2023. October 18.
Although the tournament on 21 October will not take place, the remaining water polo matches of th...
Next2023. October 12.
The I. Masters NYSC Cup International Senior Swimming Competition was held on 7 October 2023 at t...
Next2023. October 05.
The October matches of the AQUA SE North-East Championship can be viewed on the following dates: ...
Next2023. September 28.
Az I. Masters NYSC Kupa Nemzetközi Szenior úszóverseny 2023. október 7-én kerül megrendezé...
Next2023. September 22.
Az AQUA SE vízilabda mérkőzések 12:00-15:30-ig megtekinthetőek az EISSMANN Nyíregyházi Vá...